
Fayette County Post 105


Fayette County News, Dec 23, 2023

American Legion Post 105 Celebrates Marine Corps Birthday


During the group’s November meeting, American Legion Fayette County Post 105 members honored all U.S. Marines for the 248th anniversary of the founding of the U.S. Marine Corps on Nov. 11, 1775.  The ceremonial cutting of an anniversary cake was attended by all Marine post members present, including Lawrence Watson (left), Bill Crawly, Joe Daniels, Ed Berni, and John Sellers.  Post 105 is the oldest military veterans’ organization in Fayette County and meets the second Monday of each month at the Historic Log Cabin, located at 180 Glynn Street South in Fayetteville.

Fayette County News, Sep 13, 2023

American Legion Post 105 Commemorates 9/11 with Flag Wave


Sept. 11, 2001, is a date engrained in the memory of Americans as the day tragedy struck, as the Twin Towers in New York City fell upon impacts caused by terrorist attacks. On Monday, members of local American Legion Post 105 gathered at The Log Cabin to host a flag wave ceremony in memory of the lives lost 22 years ago.  The event began at 8:30 a.m., when the members of Post 105 lowered their American flag to half-staff, followed by attendees waving American flags as drivers passed the cabin at 8:46 a.m., commemorating the time that the first aircraft hit the North Tower of the Twin Towers.  Attendees waived flags until 10:03 a.m., which commemorates when the last hijacked aircraft crashed near Shanksville, Pa.

According to David Niebes, commander of Fayette County AL Post 105, the importance of this day spans generations beyond the tragic date in 2001, as many men and women risked their lives to save those who were impacted.  “It’s important that we take some action to remind ourselves and our fellow citizens about the events of that terrible day and the heroic actions of many American citizens,” Niebes said.

Fayette County News, Nov 22, 2023

Cub Scouts Decorate for Election Day


Prior to the recent Peachtree City election, Cub Scouts of America Pack 409 decorated the entrance to the precinct polling location at Braelinn Elementary School, where many of the young boys and girls of the pack attend classes.  The efforts served as a community service project for the scouts and helped to direct citizens to the appropriate entrance for voting, according to members of Fayette County Post 105 of the American Legion, which sponsors the pack.

Fayette County News, Nov 1, 2023

American Legion Honors Late Veteran Aron Smith


n memory of recently deceased Fayetteville resident and veteran Aron Smith, an honorary life member of American Legion Post 105, Post Commander Dave Niebes, right, presented a display box with the American Flag to Smith’s daughter Donna Boyce, left, and his wife Vivienne Smith, center.  Smith, 95, served in the U.S. Coast Guard during WWII and later in the U.S. Army.  When a member of the local post dies, a display box is presented to the next of kin in recognition of their military service.  Post 105 meets at the Log Cabin in Fayetteville on the second Monday of each month.

Fayette County News, May 17, 2023

Post 105 Honors High school Seniors


Fayette County American Legion Post 105 supported three local high schools in honoring two graduating seniors at each school with American Legion School Awards.

Whitewater High seniors Chandler Johnson and Emily Agi, along with McIntosh High seniors Emily White and Noah Burgess, were recognized during their schools’ awards ceremonies by Post 105 members for qualities of courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship, and service. Each recipient received a medal, certificate, a $200 check, and their names placed on a permanent plaque in the schools.

Post 105 is the oldest veterans organization in Fayette County and meets the second Monday evening of each month at the historic log cabin in Fayetteville.

Fayette County News, April 19, 2023

Post 105 Honors First Responders

American Legion Post 105 of Fayette County acknowledged and presented awards to first responders of Fayette County, Fayetteville, and Tyrone at the post’s log cabin on April 10. This was Post 105’s 15th annual public safety awards ceremony, where members awarded first responders for their heroic actions and recognized their families for their support.

Past Post Commander Dave Niebes provided Fayette County News with background on the public safety awards. “For years, our legion post has honored first responders from across Fayette County during the month of April. At one time we were the only legion post in the county, so we kind of did all the jurisdictions, including Peachtree City, but now Post 50 moved to town and they took responsibility for Peachtree City,” explained Niebes.

Niebes went on to list the first responders Post 105 honors. “But we honor all the other first responders. The Fayetteville Police Department, Fayetteville Fire Department, the Tyrone Police Department, Fayette County EMS and Fire, the FC Sheriff’s Department, the marshals… those are the people that are going to be here tonight,” Niebes said.

Post 105 acts as a vehicle to assist chiefs of each department to recognize employees who deserve recognition for their exemplary work, according to Niebes. “We always invite their chiefs. Many times, they show up to present their own people, and their families are here too. We leave it up to the chiefs to select people that are their top performers and people that need to be recognized for whatever reason. We’re just a vehicle that allows us to honor them too,” Niebes stated.

When asked of the importance of rewarding first responders, Niebes expressed how first responders are similar to veterans and should be appreciated as such. “In many ways, they’re like veterans in serving their community. Veterans may be serving in another part of the word in uniform, but these people are serving right here in our community facing death, facing danger, and, many times, doing things that really need to be done. We have kind of a comradery with them in that regard with community service on a national level, or community service on a local level,” said Niebes.

First responders honored at the ceremony included Officer Sara Brandao, City of Fayetteville PD; Officer Travis Hammock, Tyrone PD; Detective David Tortorello, Fayette County Sheriff’s Office; Sgt. Bryan Clanton, Fayette County Marshal’s Office; Firefighter Matt Noel, City of Fayetteville FD; and firefighter/paramedic Lt. Steven Sullivan, Fayette County Department of Fire and EMS.

Post 105 hosted another successful ceremony honoring first responders and officials say they look forward to next year’s event.